He’s extremely jealous of people who like Marina, even though, it’s ambigious as to whether they’re or have actually dated yet. Despite, featured as the member of the show with a Feraligator, she features her Misdreavous. Marina was a very convincing, theatrical character, especially if you’ve watched Citizen Kane.

She idolizes TV stars, capes, and a whole bunch of things that sounds like she’s a millenial. His childhood friend, Marina, has a bit of a Golden Age of Hollywood dream of becoming a famous performer.

However, in the episode, he establishes himself as more capable than Ash, with way more challenges, as unimpressive as that sounds. Gold I pictured as a bigger, more muscular tough version of Red. Zekrom is just too powerful compared to most other Legendaries.I’ll be honest Jimmy is not how I pictured Gold. Black and White was the first time in a long time that the Legendary Pokemon seemed integral to the storyline aside from stopping the world from being destroyed. It is a massive creature with incredibly high and balanced stats. Zekrom is a Dragon/Electric-type Legendary who graces the cover of Pokemon White. It has seen a ton of use in competitive battling and just looks like a no nonsense Pokemon. The first form is quicker while the second form has a much higher Special Attack. Thundurus was introduced in Generation V with the other Forces of Nature. Even though Ash defeated it in Sun and Moon, Tapu Koko is no pushover. Looking at quick Electric-type Legendaries, Tapu Koko takes the cake. It has played a large part in the anime as well as the video game series. Tapu Koko is the guardian deity of Melemele Island. #4 - Tapu Koko Image via The Pokemon Company While it may not have been the best of the three beasts in Gold and Silver, it certainly comes off as the coolest. It is incredibly quick and has a solid Special Attack stat. It is said to represent the lightning that struck the Brass Tower, causing it to catch fire. Raikou is a part of the Legendary beast trio with Entei and Suicune. Top 5 Electric Legendary Pokemon #5 - Raikou Image via Niantic Note: This article is subjective and reflects the opinion of the writer. Underestimating these creatures is a big mistake.

Oftentimes, the Electric Legendary Pokemon get overlooked for the incredibly strong Psychic or Dragon Legendaries.