The most inspired element of the combat is the unique dodge move, which teleports the player out of danger at the push of a button. Everybody has a melee and projectile attack, and it's not hard to jump from one character to the next.

For the most part, each character plays largely the same.

The huge roster features 100 characters, each with their own combos and special moves to master. Being aggressive is definitely a way to rack up victories, but so is holding back and picking up the orbs before everybody else. I like how these rules rewards players for trying different tactics. It's one thing to pull off a bunch of sweet combos, but it's useless if you don't pick up the orbs. What makes these fights interesting is that you can steal the dropped orbs.

Whoever has the most points when time expires is the winner. It feels like a mix between Power Stone and Super Smash Bros., and features a unique scoring system that has players bleeding orbs whenever they take damage. The result is a free-for-all, where everybody is fighting for survival. Instead of taking the traditional one-on-one fighting game route, Naruto Shippuden: Ultimate Ninja Storm Revolution tosses as many as four characters in the arena at once.